

It's always a little sad when a tradition has to be broken and this year will mark the first time in 5 years that i will not be visiting old friends in SF for thanksgiving. The first gathering in 2003 was actually a "costume" party requiring all guests to come dressed as either a pilgrim or an Indian (pure genius). In a panic, the day of, i went to the nearest drug store and bought some poster board (strangely stocked only with fluorescents) and slapped together the above headdress with a stapler. As you can see it ended up looking more like Vegas than Pocahontas. Very bummed to be missing the SF gastric extravaganza (er... and the epic rock band sessions).

XO to all in SF!!


Ginny said...

We're going to miss you! But I'll sing my heart out in your honor!
Love ya, and I wish you were here to bake us this brown butter apple pie.

Amber said...

I know how you feel! Even though I don't like dressing up and don't eat turkey I always loved t-day with all the SF crowd. People have been asking me if I am taking tomorrow off and I ask, do they celebrate T-Day in London??? Is it a national holiday here too?! Sadly no. I think you should dress up and go to the parade. That would cheer anyone up!

Anonymous said...

I always wondered why your headdress was florescent.